Soul Theory – ‘3D Cypher’

Soul Theory3D Cypher is a banging new track from producer Soul Theory, based out of Norway. It features Illa J and Frank Nitt, and is taken from new EP Who Knew. Listen below, and let us know what you think. The pedant in us can’t resist pointing out that the name of that EP should probably have a question mark in it.

Norwegian producer Soul Theory unleashes a burner of a single featuring Detroit’s own Illa J, Frank Nitt & Marv Won. “3D Cypher” features cuts by DJ KCFLY and appears on Soul Theory’s Who Knew EP, available on iTunes now.

Madlib – ‘Beat Konducta in Africa’ bonus beats

MADLIBWe make no secret of how Madlib is one of our absolute heroes, and we’re confident we’ve heard almost every beat he’s ever produced. If you are not familiar with some of his lesser-known work, then check this stream of instrumentals released by Rappcats. The tracks first featured as bonuses on the Beat Konducta in Africa release, part of Madlib’s epic Medicine Show series.