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25 Years of Fat Beats: Behind the Scenes

In the final part of our series celebrating 25 years of Fat Beats, we take a look behind the scenes by talking with some of the key figures in the business about how the company has evolved as a chain of physical stores, online, and as a distribution arm that has proven to be a vital outlet for independent hip-hop. Read below, and if you missed them, read our other Fat Beats anniversary articles here: DJ Eclipse interview, Ill Bill, Q-Unique and J57 interview.

Joseph “DJ Jab” Abajian: Fat Beats Owner/Founder

Firstly, congratulations on 25 years! Could you ever have imagined a quarter of a century ago that what you created would endure for so long and have such an impact on hip-hop?

Thank you. When I first opened I didn’t know what to expect but after the first six months I felt I had something special and was planning on major expansions. It all started in 1996 and we were on our way to blow up until I had a life changing experience in 2001 and had a change of course in life. I know we had and continue to have a big impact in the music industry and the Hip-Hop culture. I attest today’s independent rap music scene to a lot of work Fat Beats Distribution has done. We’ve paved the way for artist to do different types of deals for their art/product and showed a whole industry of independent artist how to be independent.

It felt like Fat Beats was always destined to be more than just a record shop. Was the New York store becoming a cultural hub for Hip-Hop something you envisioned from the start and therefore nurtured, or did it happen more organically?

The store becoming a Hip-Hop hub happened organically and was planned but not on purpose. My initial plan was to open a store for deejay’s, graph writers, B-boys and emcees. The logo and motto, “The Last Stop for Hip Hop” was specifically designed for the Hip-Hop nation. But, the first location in the East village attracted everyone that would go to the village which included every other alternative type of lifestyle to your everyday average 9 to 5 worker. In 1994 the commercial world started hearing about Hip-Hop a whole lot more than prior years but there was still a lot of fear of the culture from non-participants. Fat Beats was a place where these people can come and experience Hip-Hop without actually being part of the culture or doing any of the elements.

Last year saw Fat Beats return to physical retail with the reopening of a store in L.A. It’s an incredible achievement considering the fate of most record shops. What was behind the decision to take a dive back into having an actual store?

Initially we were planning on opening a small office in L.A., because we felt we were losing out on meetings and deals because a lot of people didn’t want to take the drive to Canoga Park where our office is due to LA traffic. One of my former employees who ran the website wanted to come back and open a Fat Beats boutique. We thought this would work with the idea of an LA office. Since Fat Beats Dot Com had it’s own space we figured it would make sense to put that operation in the new store location because I wasn’t convinced that there would be enough foot traffic to cover the expenses of a retail operation. Plus most of the employees do not live in the valley and have to deal with the excess traffic in LA. This is another location they can work out off. So far it has paid off. Our online business saw an increase, we got some foot traffic and have been able to throw events again and we’ve had dozen’s of meeting there.

If you had to pick your absolute best moment from the last 25 years, what would that be?

I’d have to say the closing of the initial retails stores in NY & LA. We had week long celebrations and so many artist and fans came through during that week. It was like seeing every artist we impacted come back to pay homage and it was cool hearing what they had to say about Fat Beats and how they felt from artist and fans. It took a huge weight off my shoulder and allowed me to concentrate on what was actually making money in the company. The distribution center and website took off after the stores closed and we made big moves moving out west.

Bert Haine: E-Commerce & Retail Manager

Fat Beats moving from a bricks and mortar operation to a mostly online one a few years back was inevitable considering how much the industry has changed since the first store opened 25 years ago. Tell me how the company went about building an online presence.

When our stores closed, we doubled down on our online efforts as we knew that would be the central way we could still directly interact with our customers. From there we took advantage of our already well-known brand and artist connections and utilized our position as a vinyl distributor to develop direct exclusives and other limited-edition releases and grow our following and online business.

We’ve talked in our other recent Fat Beats interviews about how the physical stores had an aesthetic quality that went beyond the music. How do you capture a sense of that in an online store? Obviously, you want a website that’s professional and works well, but at the same time you still need something authentically hip-hop, right?

To a certain extent we still try to keep things authentically Hip-Hop, obviously with respect to many of the releases and in-stores we focus on, but overall we keep our goals the same as any other business that cares about its customers; we constantly aim to improve user experience, keep our customers educated to all the new music available and strive to offer the best possible human customer service, which I think makes us stand out from other big box chains and web-stores like Amazon etc.

We sell a wide variety of records in our store and our website now that, ten years ago, would be pretty unexpected from a business like Fat Beats, but trends have changed and streaming has broadened musical tastes dramatically and our aim now is simply to offer great music on physical format, namely vinyl, with of course a deep understanding, love and focus on Hip-Hop.

The “vinyl resurgence” has been driven a lot by re-issue packages of classic records and limited edition runs of new music, which sell well as collector’s items. Presumably these are the types of products that bring in the most revenue these days? 

Definitely, catalog releases and new exclusive limited edition runs of records drive much of the revenue but, whenever there is a hotly anticipated record, an LP like Freddie Gibbs & Madlib’s Bandana, or the first instrumental solo work by Daringer (Griselda Records’ go-to producer) we’ll do really well as has always been the case. On the whole there has just been a broadening of the base of people that consistently buy and listen to records over the last ten years, which has helped us gain back some of the ground we lost after DJs stopped really needing to buy records due to all of the controller/interface innovations.

What records are some of Fat Beats absolute top-sellers online since the e-commerce site opened?

I don’t have data over the lifetime of the business to know what have been some of our best sellers since we opened for business online way back in 2001, but I know when records like Madvillainy and Donuts dropped we were selling thousands of copies from the online store. But as of the last decade a few that have really sold above and beyond expectations have been; Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp A Butterfly, Rev Shines & Conway’s recent exclusive 12”, JPEGMAFIA’s Veteran, and Blu & Exile’s classic, Below The Heavens.

Joe Dent: General Manager at Fat Beats Distribution

Outside of the physical stores and online retail, Fat Beats’ distribution arm has been hugely influential to the hip-hop scene over the last couple of decades. Tell me about how the service has evolved over the years.

Oddly enough, distribution is the largest division of our business and may be the one that is the least known to the average Fat Beats customer. Over the last decade we’ve seen major changes in the industry at large (the vinyl “resurgence” you often hear about) but as a company that has catered to the vinyl consumer since day one, we’ve strived to remain a go-to distribution option as more and more competitors have realized the viability of the format. In that sense, our evolution is ongoing.

By moving our headquarters from New York to Los Angeles five years ago, we’ve positioned ourselves in a great location not only by working with some of our favorite artists on a more face to face basis, but also within the vinyl manufacturing community in having several major pressing plants within 30 miles of our facility (right next door, in the case of Rainbo Records). Above all else, our goal is to be an extremely artist-friendly business in an industry that too often isn’t.

Of the many records Fat Beats has distributed, which are some of the ones you are especially proud of?

For me personally, the projects I recall most vividly are due to the people that were involved and the packaging or timeline challenges that may have been overcome in bringing them to life. That includes not only the artists or labels behind the releases themselves, but the pressing plants and printers as well.

Blu & Exile’s Give Me My Flowers While I Can Still Smell Them, the box set reissue of Black Moon’s Enta Da Stage, and most recently Masta Ace & Marco Polo’s A Breukelen Story are some of my favorites.

You offer pretty much a full service to get an artist’s music created, marketed and available. That said, has the relative ease at which anyone can now get their records/tapes/cds manufactured and then self-distributed via their own site, or Bandcamp, made distribution less of a viable business?

Generally speaking, it hasn’t. But the distribution model is not a one size fits all approach and there are plenty of artists who are successfully selling exclusive releases in their own webstores and are satisfied with that. As a company born out of brick and mortar retail, we still wholeheartedly believe in the value of the independent record store on a worldwide basis in addition to various exclusive projects. And because in many cases we are absorbing the roles of a traditional record label, manager, designer, and PR team in additional to simply packing and shipping, we feel our value will always be there if we are willing to adapt to an artist’s specific needs.

Speaking of Bandcamp, a couple of months ago they started offering manufacture and fulfillment to artists. Is this something you see Fat Beats moving into?

Pressing, wholesale distribution and D2C fulfillment are among the core services we currently offer to our partners. But because we are a true independent distributor, we are focused on offering personalized attention to our growing artist and label roster rather than an open-door crowd funded service. But we’ll always have our ear to the ground as times change.


Follow Fat Beats on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Interview by Grown Up Rap Editor Ben Pedroche.

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