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Watch Oh No sample video games in the latest Rhythm Roulette

Oh NoThe new episode of Mass Appeal’s brilliant Rhythm Roulette series features one of our favorite producers, Oh No. Although sometimes lost under the huge shadow of his brother Madlib, Oh has proved himself to be one of the most consistent beat makers of the past decade, crafting incredible sounds for his own albums, and on classics by Mos Def, Guilty Simpson, Murs, Talib Kweli, MED and many others.

In a twist to the normal process, Oh No visits a video game store to make his three selections, where his hands fall upon Karate Champ, Nascar 99 and NWO/WCW Revenge, all for Nintendo 64 (remember that?).

Back in the lab, Oh No gives each game a play, and seems to have some trouble figuring the controls for the wrestling joint. He then starts working his magic, and before long we have a credible beat, sourcing a loop and various vocal stabs from the games.

Check the video below to hear the end result. All we need now is for his older brother to take up the Rhythm Roulette challenge.

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